It’s time to get Sirius again ………….. NOT!
From the depths of the Children of the Bong archive comes Not Sirius, the final instalment of the duo’s previously unreleased hidden gems.
Not Sirius is a definitive collection of tracks made before and after their Sirius Sounds album dropped on Planet Dog and is packed full of their signature psychedelic-electro-dub sound. While some tunes featured on obscure demo tapes and missed the cut for Sirius Sounds only due to the limited running time allowed by CD and vinyl, others were created for one-off live performances and TV shows.
For instance, Babylon 3 & Babylon 4 were created for Channel 4’s TV show, ‘Hotel Babylon’, while the opener, Eleven Dimension Super Gravity, was created for a live performance at the Whirl-y-gig club night in 1995 and was played during the magical parachute dance that closes the evening.
- Eleven Dimension Super Gravity
- Babylon 3
- Dubber FX
- Feedback Returns
- U.V.F. (Ultraviolet Frequencies)
- Cosmic Flash
- Elefunk
- Babylon 4
- In Flight Trance
- Breathe